The Apprentice: The Owner’s Manual

By Kizito Katawonga

Last week I went on and on about identity. I realized that I had no clue as to who I am really and that everything about me was molded to the expectation of a few key people in my life. I determined that I was going to discover who I am.

Dr. Myles Monroe likes to say “the created thing cannot know it's purpose better than the one who created it”. I understand this to mean no one knows me better than my creator God therefore I should go to Him to learn my purpose and nature. I will go to Him for the Apprentice's Owner’s Handbook.

I strongly believe that I was created for greatness although I have no clue as to what that might be exactly. Whether I'm meant to be a great writer or a great garbage collector, I don't know. Point is, He knows and only He can tell me. Not my wife, not my kids, not my friends and certainly not Hollywood.

So where is this owner's manual you ask? Well it's not so much a book as it is a person. Christ you see is the living Word that testifies as to who I am and what I was born to do. In knowing Him, I get to know myself; like a reflection in the mirror.

Specifics aside I can already tell you this. I am a Son of the Most High God and I am loved and treasured beyond anything. How do I know this? Well, my God gave His only Son to die for me. Now I had never fully grasped the gravity of this till the day I became a father. I was watching my adorable daughter playing and the thought hit me; would I give my daughter up to die for anyone?

Hell No!

I don't love anyone that much. And yet, I am loved that much. He did it for me. So I can live confidently that no matter what happens, what people say or think, I am loved with a love that is incomprehensible. There is something about knowing that one is loved unconditionally and believed in that makes you live with boldness and confidence. The good book says “Perfect love drives out all fear”. Exactly what the doctor ordered.

Secondly, He has given me everything that is His as my inheritance which is the whole of creation. Wow! That's saying a lot right there. Whereas so many of my peers are scrambling for a fifth of an acre plot to build a tiny two bedroom house, knowing I will inherit galaxies is mind-boggling. If that knowing of 'wealth” and value doesn't help me walk tall then I don't know what will.

So now I have a foundation on which to build my own unique identity. In time, through this intimate discovery process I shall learn what I really like and want, what I believe and stand for and ultimately, what I was uniquely created to do and be great at.

It's an exciting time in my life and I encourage each of you out there to do the same. Believe that you were created with greatness for greatness. Reject rejection and know that you are loved unconditionally. And if you think you are too far gone, too old, too screwed up take courage from these words from George Elliot;

“It's never too late to be what you might have been”


