
By Philani Tyson Nombika, South Africa:

Like trees that move back and forth in resistance of wind

Life makes its paces at what seems still as time won’t move

Feels like every single step takes eternity

Lovers promise forever before it’s taken

Beneath its full belly, hands streached reaching for oppoturnities that may crumble

In street corners the gifted wait

In crowds of faces, their faces dissappear

In their eyes their dreams flicker like candles in a storm

Light attracts light

Searching for feathers of the same colour, bird lights find light

The picture becomes clear for even those who had no light.

The light brightens our deepest fears

Standing aside to open doors for other where we have been

Breaking limits

Life moves past empty street corners

Dreamers left their beds chasing chances that shone past their windows of oppoturnity
